nRF54 系列

128 MHz Arm Cortex-M33 processor、1.5 MB non-volatile memory、256 KB RAM、
Bluetooth Low Energy, Bluetooth mesh, Thread, and Matter、
New peripherals: Global RTC, 14-bit ADC, and a software-defined peripheral enabled by a RISC-V coprocessor、
Designed for PSA Certified Level 3 IoT security standard、
TrustZone isolation, side-channel protection, and tamper detection、
Ultra-compact packages。
下一級多協定 SoC
nRF54 系列

Multiple Arm Cortex-M33 processors, clocked up to 320 MHz、
Multiple RISC-V coprocessors、2 MB non-volatile memory、1 MB RAM、
Bluetooth Low Energy, LE Audio, Bluetooth mesh, Thread, and Matter、
New peripherals: High-speed USB (480 Mbps), CAN FD controller, 2 x I3C and 14-bit ADC、
Designed for PSA Certified Level 3 IoT security standard、
Physical security。
革命性的多協議 SoC